Assignment 302 - Task Aii -

Teaching, Learning or Assessment Approach General Description

Strengths Limitations
Direct input teaching

In this teaching approach teaching is delivered from the teacher to the learners in a traditional instructive style – mainly verbal delivery with teaching resources such as Smart Board or projector. The learners role is to take listen and take notes

This teaching approach will deliver the course content in a structured and controlled manner.
This approach learns itself to SMART principals in terms of syllabus delivery. It will also allow a lot of course content to be delivered, useful in providing large amounts of information and facts.
If learners are able to learn in this format and use notes to revise and re-enforce learning this can be effective This is a one way teaching and learning style effectively ‘front loading the learner. It does not readily accommodate individual learner needs (ILN); it is ‘one size fits all’. The risk is that some learners will not benefit from this teaching/learning style, undermining their opportunity to achieve syllabus aims and effective learning. This approach is not readily inclusive, it does not lend itself to on-going assessment methods to ensure understanding   This learning approach can be useful in delivering ‘factual’ learning such as legislation or regulations; cognisance must be taken of ILN’s, if ineffective learning is to be avoided. This approach is best used a part of a learning plan (not as the whole of the plan), planning in self and peer assessment interspersing delivery will ensure learning can be confirmed or gaps identified. Encouraging questions during delivery will make this approach more inclusive.
Scenario development

A scenario is provided relevant to the learning objective. Information in support of the scenario is provided at relevant stages to deliver opportunities to introduce and take on learning and then apply that...