Assignment 204

Assignment 204 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care
Task A

Physical abuse: This includes, hitting, slapping, pushing, pinching, force feeding, kicking, burning, misuse of medication, anything trying to hurt or injure another person.
Sexual abuse:   Not giving informed consent to any sexual activity.
Emotional/Psychological abuse: This includes: bullying, threats of harm, ignoring, controlling, harassment, not giving a person any privacy or dignity.
Financial abuse: This can include: theft, fraud, pressure in connection with wills, the misuse of property or possessions.
Institutional abuse: This is the failure of an organization (care home) to provide an appropriate and professional service to vulnerable service users.
Self-neglect: This is when a person neglects their own care needs such as personal hygiene.
Neglect by others abuse: This is when either a care worker or family member fails to meet some-ones support needs, as a result of neglect, people can become ill, hungry, cold, dirty, injured or deprived of their rights.


Physical abuse:
Multiple bruising or finger marks
Scratches or cuts
Black eyes
Weight loss
Mood changes
Reluctance by the vulnerable person to be left alone by alleged abuser
Sexual abuse:
sexually transmitted disease
urinary infections
Social isolation
Complaints of stomach pains
Unexpected pregnancies
Bruising or bleeding on the legs, thighs, arms, or genital areas
Blood or marks on underwear
Emotional/Psychological abuse:
Carer seeming to ignore vulnerable persons needs
Reluctance by the vulnerable person to be left alone by alleged abuser
Reports from neighbours of shouting, screaming, swearing
Vulnerable person being treated like a child
Vulnerable person fearful of raised voices
Financial abuse:
Vulnerable person not being aloud to manager their own finances
Vulnerable person not being made aware of financial...