Assignment 2&3 Ptlls

Codes of practise and legislation in the education sector are the rules and regulations governing the role, responsibilities and behaviour of the tutor/facilitator within the learning environment. They identify the main aspects of good practise and highlight how they can be implemented within this environment.

I hope to teach chemistry in the post-compulsory education sector and there are several legislative requirements and codes of practise relevant to this area, including:-
Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) – defines the fundamental structure and authority for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare within the UK[1]. It is the responsibility of the facilitator to enforce and adhere, and learners to adhere to the H&S regulations.
Management of H&S at Work (1999) – the aim of the regulations is to reduce damage by assessing all potential risks and to create action plans for emergencies[2].
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) – employers are required to control substances that can harm worker's health[3]. The facilitators role would be to ensure adequate protection from chemical spills and fires by providing for example, laboratory coats and safety goggles and to ensure learners are aware of the dangers.
Children's Act (2004) – a child is defined as any person below the age of 18. This Act is the basis for most official administration considered helpful to children, notably bringing all local government functions of children's welfare and education under the statutory authority of local Directors of Children's Services[4].  
Equality Act (2006) – the facilitator must ensure that everybody regardless of age, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation is given an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential and realise their learning goals[5].
Data Protection Act (1998) – it is the responsibility of the facilitator and teaching establishment to ensure that learners' personal information is...