Assignment 1 Learning Coach

An Introduction to the Welsh Education Context for Learning Coaching

1.1 The education structure available to learners aged 14-19 in Wales.
The learning pathways aims to focus on a more flexible and balanced approach to the education of 14-19 year olds, which provides a wider range of experiences in a range of different environments, colleges, six forms, work based learning or apprenticeship schemes.
Pupils aged between 14-16 are educated in secondary schools. They follow the national curriculum which consists of compulsory subjects, English, maths, science and welsh and foundation subjects, geography, history, art, music etc. Religious education is taught according to agreed local syllabus. There are circumstances where some pupils are not taught in a mainstream secondary school as they have became disengaged with learning as they are either taught at home or in PRU    

1.2 Explain the 14-19 policy including Learning Pathways and learning support.
Learning pathways is a Welsh Assembly Government initiative to provide all learners aged 14-19 with the opportunity to develop an academic or vocational education.
The pathways are split into two categories which have six key elements.
The two categories are:
  * Learning pathways
  * Support for learners.

The three elements of learning pathways are: Individual learning pathways. This includes formal, non formal and informal strands. The formal aspect of the learning pathways leads to approved qualifications. The non – formal may lead to accreditation such as Duke of Edinburgh and the informal which includes volunteering and enhancing community areas.
The next element is wider choice and flexibility. A wider choice of options from a range of different areas which has a greater flexibility on speed and direction.
The third element is wider learning consisting of skills, knowledge, understanding, values and experiences that all 14-19 year olds will need whatever their learning pathway.
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