Assessment Centres

“Specific Challenges & Key Insights
On assessment centres”

Ashwin Pasricha
Founder, Coach, Interventionist
Human Network

The author can be contacted at
©copyright all rights reserved, the author is currently engaged in research on the subject.
Ashwin Pasricha
Founder, Coach, Interventionist
Human Network

The author can be contacted at
©copyright all rights reserved, the author is currently engaged in research on the subject.

About us

Human Network is founded by Ashwin Pasricha and associates to design and deliver learning solutions to meet the varying needs of our clients. We work across all major industries.

We offer a practical focus on learning. Our approach is to adopt a consulting approach and partner with organizations to address real business challenges. Our teams of facilitators use an andragogical approach and bring pragmatic insights into the classroom and speak from experience.

Our focus areas are Leadership development, Talent assessment & Development, Coaching and Customized learning & development solutions.


There are several challenges when you use Assessment Centers as a vehicle for selection & recruitment. My paper is going to focus on specific challenges and key insights which I have gained through my experience.

To begin with, do a thorough job analysis, create a competency framework and look at key differentiating competencies (which differentiate superior performers from other acceptable performers), which will help you identify people who would be the “right fit”

Many Organizations use an elaborative competency framework which at times makes the selection process very complex and cumbersome.

Kinds of competencies

In my opinion, competencies are basically of three types- We have the Head competencies which are Cognitive viz. Analytical thinking, Conceptual thinking etc. The Heart competencies are about Building...