
Welcome to the School of Psychology

Welcome to the start of your Psychology degree at the University of East London. This booklet tells you about the events taking place in induction week and includes your provisional timetable for semester A.

We begin the academic year with a week of special sessions to introduce you to your programme, your School and the University. This is the beginning of your induction to higher education, a process that will continue through your first year with us. The activities are designed to help new students settle in before teaching begins and before the other students return. During this week you will meet the First Year Tutors and other key members of staff who will support you during your time at UEL, as well as your fellow students, so attendance is essential!

Induction week is
Monday 17th September to Friday 21st September 2012.

During induction week you will receive a large amount of information. You do not need to remember it all but you do need to become familiar with the booklets etc that you are given so you know where to find information when you need it. If you would like any clarification or further help, please do not be afraid to ask. It is very likely that other students will have similar questions and your tutors will be happy to help. Please check that you know when and where to attend by reading the programme below. Please remember to bring this booklet, writing materials and a diary with you.

Qualifications check

Important: All students must bring with them evidence of their academic qualifications that they referred to on their application form, unless their application was processed by UCAS.


Monday 17th September    

If you are a Combined Honours student only (ie you are taking a BSc Psychology + another subject), the first session to attend is at the Docklands campus on Monday 17th September. You will receive information about this from the Combined Honours School and...