Art/101 Comparison of Three Sculptures

CheckPoint: Comparison of Three Sculptures
May 3, 2013
Dr. Philip C. Van Vleck

CheckPoint: Comparison of Three Sculptures
David is the name of a boy who defeated the Philistine warrior named Goliath. He then grew up to become King David of Israel. There are versions of David sculptures made in different eras by different artists.   Each artist used his own unique way of creating them.
The biggest difference between the three sculptures is that they were all created in different eras. Michelangelos version of David was made during the Renaissance period. The sculpture was very large in height – 14 feet tall. Michelangelo made David appear calm as if King had no worries or cares. He was also nude with no body part covered up and no imperfections. This sort kind of nudity was typical of the Renaissance era.
Unlike Michelangelo’s version, Bernini’s sculpture of David was more modest, but rather appeared busy. He created his sculpture using marble. David was wearing a cloth which covered his genitals and private areas. This was typical of the Baroque period. Bernini created it looking as if David was ready to fight with Goliath. He had a stone in his hand in a position which appeared it was about to be thrown at his opponent.
Donatello’s version of David is believed to have been built in the Early Renaissance period between 1420 and 1460. His creation was made of bronze and stood much lower than the other two artists versions – just over 5 feet. In his sculpture, David was wearing nothing but boots and a hat. He was holding a sword and had his enemies decapitated head under one of his feet.   Because it was the first life-size nude sculpture, Donatello’s David was rather controversial and took quite some time to be accepted.