Arab Israel War 1967

The wars are fought as an instrument of policy to achieve the political objectives. The concept of limited war has afforded an opportunity for a controlled employment of means of violence. Arab-Israel war of 1967, famous as Six Days War also falls in the same category. Although it was a limited war in nature, yet it carried unlimited lessons in the field of warfare for generations to come. It was the third round in which Israel was involved in war with Arab Countries since its creation. In the Arabs reckoning it was to be a revenge for their disaster in 1956 and for Israel it was a war of survival. The outcome of war showed a humiliating defeat for Arabs and complete victory for Israel. The entire Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, Ghaza Strip and Jordanian territory west of River Jordan including Jerusalem was captured by Israel. Though The Six Days War has pertinent lessons for many countries but its relevance to Pakistan is more pronounced due to peculiar environments.
To analyze the pre-emption exercised by Israel in 1967 and its impact on the outcome of war in order to relate its relevance to Pakistan.
Scheme of Presentation
        a. Prelude to conflict
        b. Synopsis of war
        c. Analysis
        d. Relevance to Pakistan
The creation of Israel on 14 May 1948 was the route cause of rivalry between Jews and Arabs. Arabs considered Israeli emergence as an independent State as a most un-natural and a collective conspiracy by the Europeans and Americans against the people of Palestine. The end result was an immediate attack on Israel soon after its birth. At the end of 1948 conflict, Israel gained more territory then it was supposed to have according to United Nation’s Resolutions.
In 1956 Israel attack Egypt with the support of Britain and France to open Suez Canal. She occupied Gaza strip and large part of Sinai but vacated under intense international...