Appendix G Com150

Axia College Material
Appendix G

Peer Review Checklist*

What is the main point of this essay?
Changing the eating habits of children.

What is the greatest strength of this essay?
The examples that are provided in regards to the way parents, schools, and the government can help to influence the dietary habits of children are the greatest strength of this essay.

Does the introduction grab your interest and make you want to read on? Explain your answer.
The introduction did grab my attention because child obesity is a widely known issue as the author has pointed out. I felt that the reader was going to go on to discuss a topic that is an interest of many parents.

What material does not seem to fit the main point of the essay or does not seem to be appropriate for the audience?
I do not feel that there was any inappropriate material or any material that did not fit the main point within this essay.

Where should the author add more details or examples? Explain your answer. If the author is short on material, discussing the common complaint of the cost of purchasing healthy foods versus the cost of an expanding waistline and health care would be an interesting point to read about.

Where is the writing unclear or vague? I didn’t feel that the writing was vague anywhere besides where the WritePoint program had pointed out within the first paragraph of the essay.

What is your favorite part of this piece of writing? I liked how the author discussed the hectic lives of today’s parents and the effects it has on their child’s dietary intake.  

What other comments might you provide for the author? I think that punctuation may be something that the author might want to keep a close eye on. With such a sound essay, it would be a shame to lose points over a misplaced comma or a forgotten period.

*Adapted from Reinking, J. A., Hart, A. W., & Von der Osten, R. (2001). Strategies for successful
writing: A rhetoric, research guide, reader, and...