Anwar Sadat-Statement to Knesset Speech

Anwar al-Sadat was born in 1918 and grew up in an average Egyptian village known as Mit Abul Com.
Anwar Sadat was influenced greatly by four main figures in his early life. Zahran, a man originating from a simple village similar to Sadat's proved to be a figure of courage and admiration for Sadat as Zahran was hanged by the British during colonial rule. The second was Kemel Ataturk. Ataturk was a figure of admiration for Sadat as he had not only thrown off colonialism but had also established a number of civil service reforms thus creating the modern state of Turkey. The third man was Mohandas Gandhi. Anwar Sadat appreciated Gandhi for his preaching of nonviolence in combating injustice. Sadat's anticolonialist views also lead him to admire Adolf Hitler who, was a potential rival of British rule.
Working with Gamal Abdel Nasser, a colleague he met after graduating from a British established military school in Egypt, Sadat learned the dangerous game of nation building in a world of superpower rivals. In an allied effort the British, French and Israel attacked Egypt in the hope of regaining colonial control of the Canal and its profits. The war ended with the US pressuring its allies to withdraw and thus Egypt emerged as a hero having successfully resisted colonial control.
It can be said that the Statement to Knesset stemmed from the 6 Day War occurred, which saw the Israeli Military ambush Egyptian air forces and sweep though the Sinai to the Suez Canal, hence also threatening to bankrupt the government. Sadat's colleague and predecessor Nasser died in 1970 leaving Anwar Sadat to take his place as president. Over the next 11 years Sadat proved his leadership abilities, his first step being to offer a peace treaty with Israel in exchange for the return of the Siani lands seized in the 6 Day War.
The deteriorating economy in Egypt, coupled with an increasing distance economic between the rich and the poor lead to internal issues, riots and attacks on the rich....