Animal Cloning

Travis Fair
Professor McNeeley
English 1312
Animal Cloning’s Potential for Good
Animal cloning has the potential to unlock new scientific discoveries and also accelerate agricultural industries as well. From medical testing to growing our own organs this science can benefit humans and animals alike if used responsibly. The benefits that come from animal cloning greatly outweigh any negative effects, so it is believed to be necessary to further our exploration into this field.
For example, in the breeding of animals for recreational purposes, such as a horse show, the owner would pick his most accomplished male to breed. The only problem with this is that the breeder cannot guarantee that the offspring will carry those same traits the owner is looking for, leaving a lot to chance. However in a genetically engineered clone of the horse this chance would be bypassed creating an exact duplicate of the male. Not only does this create a winning situation for the owner but for any potential buyer as well. Theoretically, this will create an abundance of superior animals leaving no room for abnormalities. If this same situation were to be applied to a cattle farm the superiority of the meat we ingest every day would rise exponentially. With less animals being victims of born illnesses and deformities the quality and quantity of meat would rise, and with the rise of quantity, a decrease in cost. Suppliers would lose fewer dollars treating animals, and consumers would receive meats of higher grade and value for less money.
Aside from cloning animals for agricultural gain, this process can also help us move forward scientifically. A lot of people do not agree with animal testing because of genetic differences. They say that because no two animals, even of the same parents, can have the same DNA, the results cannot be one hundred percent accurate. Animal cloning perfects the animal testing procedure. By ensuring that both animal A and animal B have exact same DNA,...