Ancient China Heritage

Ancient China was paving the rode for many cultures. It's culture is one of the world's oldest and most complex cultures.
A number of games and pastimes are popular within Chinese culture. Many of our greatest games came out of china.
    The early China civilization was ruled by a series of emperors from different dynasties. These dynasties were royal families. Shih Haung Ti established the Ch'in Dynasty, united the Chinese kingdom known as the Warring States, became the first emperor (221 B.C.), and began building the Great Wall of China. Thousands of terra-cotta clay statues were placed to guard his tomb. The Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) was a peaceful time when paper and ink were invented and schools built. The Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.-906 A.D.) was known for their public systems, art including pottery, sculpture, and painting, as well as their gunpowder.
    Chinese scholars also conducted scientific observations of plants and animals, and also of astronomy (the stars and planets). The many detailed and careful drawings of flowers and other plants, and star charts, from China show this interest. In 132 AD, under the Han Dynasty, Chinese scholars built the first seismograph to tell you what direction an earthquake was coming from.
    Family life has always been extremely important to Chinese culture, as Chinese lived in large family units. As many as 100 or more relatives lived together under the rule of the eldest male. The ideal was "five generations under one roof." However, those who lived this way were mainly families of rich rural landowners, wealthy merchants, and government officials. Among the common people, most households consisted of only parents and children, but some also included grandparents and uncles. Chinese families traditionally valued sons far more than daughters. A husband could divorce his wife if she failed to give birth to sons. In some cases, daughters were killed at birth because they were considered useless, for females...