Analysis of the Boxing Day Tsunami

An analysis of the tectonic movement or processes involved
The earth quake on 26th of December 2004 was a 9.3 on the Richter scale. The hypocentre of this quake was located 160 km north of the Simeulue Island, in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Northern Sumatra around 30 kms below sea level. It occurred when the Sunda mega thrust (assumed dormant) ruptured which caused a 20m jump in some places on the boundary.
The Sunda mega thrust is a convergent plate boundary consisting of the overriding Eurasian plate and the subducting Indo-Australian plate.   The overriding Eurasian plate consists of two micro plates, Sunda and Burma plates.
What occurs here?
  * Subduction zoneDIAGRAM
  * The earthquake occurred in two stages
  * The first stage was a rupture 400km long and about 100km’s wide, this occurred 30kms bellow the see bed and is known as the largest rupture ever recorded moving at a speed of 2.8 kms
  * The second stage occurred around 100 seconds later in a northward trend towards the Andaman islands at a rate of 2.1 kms for about five minutes stopping at a transform boundary.
The earth quake on 26th of December 2004 was a 9.3 on the Richter scale. The hypocentre of this quake was located 160 km north of the Simeulue Island, in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Northern Sumatra. It occurred when the Sunda mega thrust (assumed dormant) ruptured which caused a 20m jump in some places on the boundary. The Sunda mega thrust is a convergent plate boundary consisting of the overriding Eurasian plate and the subducting Indo-Australian plate.   The overriding Eurasian plate consists of two micro plates, Sunda and Burma plates. Therefor this is considered a subduction zone which has this general layout:

The earthquake occurred in two stages at the Sunda Megathrust
  * The first stage was a rupture 400km long and about 100km’s wide, this occurred 30kms bellow the see bed and is known as the largest rupture ever recorded...