Analysis of Child Obesity Correlated with Television


Analysis of Role of Television in Childhood Obesity Prevention
  In the International Journal of Obesity the article "Role of Television in Childhood Obesity Prevention," was written by Caroli, claiming that television is hindering children from physical activities, which is the cause of the rapid upward slope of childhood obesity. Caroli provides reasons that are supported by previous scientific studies that give facts such as: time spent watching television and being obese are positively correlated, the exposure of unhealthy stimulations in terms of food intake when watching television. Her purpose of presenting data conducted in several studies is to affirm and inform that television hinderers from physical activity and can lead to obesity at a young age and health risks. Caroli's argument is directed towards expecting parents and parents seeing the cause and effect of a lot of television on their child. Even though that television could be used a beneficial tool if used in the correct way, children need physical activity to remain healthy as they grow strong and old because data showed correlates to an upward slope of television and childhood obesity and exposure of unhealthy commercials will influence unhealthy eating.
The layout for this journal article was well structured and every claim had a research study to support and give credibility to why it's important to store good habits early in children and how to change the current lifestyle to prevent health risk later in life. This informative argument uses facts, reasons, and builds credibility by referring to credentials that establish her facts on correlation between television and childhood obesity.
  Caroli's first point in her theisis statement was "time spent watching television and being obese are positively correlated" is presented by two studies: the first study showed the cause and effect amongst
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the different age groups are cross-sectional. The second study dealing with...