Analyse Different Ways in Which You Would Establish Ground Rules with Your Learners, Which Underpin Behaviour and Respect for Others.

Analyse different ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners, which underpin behaviour and respect for others.

Ground rules are the expectations from the learning environment, by teacher and learners.

    ‘Discipline cannot be considered as a ‘thing of itself’, that it has to be seen in terms of the relationship of factors in and outside the classroom, and that its maintenance is essential for overall class control, without which effective learning is impossible’                                 (Curzon, 2004)

Ground rules are imperative to effective classroom control, as without them disorder can appear. It may seem obvious that rules are necessary with younger children and adolescents, however, adult learners also benefit from the structure and organisation afforded by the setting of ground rules. However, agreeing these and implementing them effectively is a complex process.

There are different methods of creating and implementing ground rules, with each class and age group suiting a different method more than another. At times, rules are dictated by the teacher, they are explicit and non-negotiable. Learners are expected to comply with these at all times, without argument. This may seem intuitive and necessary for effective classroom control, however, depending upon the age group, such as adolescents and some adults a culture of rule testing may be created; Generating disruptive classes and unmotivated learners. As Petty (2004) puts it, ‘Whether or not you make your rules explicit, expect them to be tested’.   For younger children, though this may be the most realistic and effective method of setting classroom ground rules as clear boundaries are made explicit. This will enhance a young Childs learning, as well as provide opportunities for effective social modelling, which will be referred to for the rest of the individual’s life.

However, as Curzon (2004) states ‘Discipline is rarely imposed ‘by decree’’ especially with...