An Essay Discussing the Key Aspects of Legislation, Regulatory Requirements and Codes of Practice Relating to Their Roles and Responsibilities


Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training

1.2       Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to your role and responsibilities
The student should complete an essay discussing the key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to their roles and responsibilities (500 words minimum)

Declaration of Own Work
This sheet must be filled in signed and dated, and included with all assessments - work will not be marked unless this is done. This sheet will be removed from the assessment before marking
FULL Name:
Course/Programme: ETDL3
PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR DATE OF BIRTH: ________________________________________________
I confirm that all this work is my own except where indicated, and that I have:
• Clearly referenced/listed all sources as appropriate
• Referenced and put in inverted commas all quoted text (from books, web, etc)
• Given the sources of all pictures, data etc. that are not my own
• Not made any use of the report(s) or essay(s) of any other student(s) either past or present
• Not sought or used the help of any external professional agencies for the work
• Acknowledged in appropriate places any help that I have received from others
I understand that any false claim for this work will be penalised in accordance with the Assessment and Malpractice Policy. We may inform your employer is the course is part of a work related project.


Please note: If you need further guidance on plagiarism, you can

1. Consult your course book

2. Speak to your tutor regarding any questions.
This assignment requires that I summarise the key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to my teaching role and responsibilities.   Gravells (2014) suggests that as a tutor, I need to be aware of the relevant...