American in the 1920's

America in the 1920’s appeared to be a wealthy country on the outside, but had many oncoming problems to behold on the inside. America in the mid 1920’s suffered severely economically and socially where a strong nationalism was occurring and an economic downfall was heading there way as the Great Depression was approaching the country. The United States suffered socially from the formation of the Ku Klux Klan, Prohibition, and Immigration. On the economic side, the US suffered through over production, the wide use of credits, and the increase of tariffs.

America’s social society was heading no where after the First World War. Although there society is slipping; America’s immigration rate was greatly increased. After the war, many Americans wanted to stop the immigrants from entering America due to the fact that the country was heading into growing Nationalism. As a result, a series of immigration acts were passed throughout the 1920’s such as the Immigration Act of 1924, National Origins Act, and the Asian-Exclusion Act. As the American society was becoming more and more racist, an American Nationalism organization was formed in Georgia known as the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK was a racism grouped created in the mid 1920’s in which they excluded and hated the Catholic Europeans, African Americans, Asians, and any race that is not considered to be “White-American”. The organization was so popular during that time that nearly 5 million Americans joined the KKK by 1925. As a matter of fact, the Klan grew rapidly by the 1930’s spreading to the other American States such as Detroit, Memphis, Houston, Atlanta, and Dallas. Some common activities of the KKK involved beatings, lynching, and arson. The formation of the Ku Klux Klan and the Immigration Acts are surely enough to inform that America was not in a good state of society. However, it gets worst for America when Prohibition of alcohol was placed on the country for nearly 12 years. In 1919, the 18th Amendment was...