American Imperialism

19th Century American Imperialism
Sarah Schwingel
HIS 204
Prof. Stefanie Campbell
March 31, 2010

American Imperialism was a huge event in the history. It all started with the adoption of imperialism. How it was justified was also very important, because that is what used to convince people it was the right thing to do at the time. During the Era of American Imperialism, there were several major events that took place; such as: the sinking of the USS Maine, the Spanish War, the Teller Amendment, Treaty of Paris, Hawaii was formerly annexed, and the Anti-Imperialist League was established. Also, due foreign policy, the United States became involved with a few new countries. Even though this adopted policy was popular amongst many, there were people who disagreed with it. They are known as Anti-Imperialists, and they have their own league against the policy.   Finally, is the outcome the American Imperialism had on the 20th century. American Imperialism was a major event in US History that will never be forgotten, or duplicated.
      According to our text, Nation of nations (2006), the policy of imperialism was adopted because “the technology of arms and the networks of communication, transportation, and commerce brought the prospect of effective, truly global empires within much closer reach” (pg. 599).
      “Americans preferred a more indirect imperialism: one that exported products, ideas, and influence. To them, this American imperialism seemed somehow purer, for they could portray Americans as bearers of long-cherished values: democracy, free enterprise capitalism, and Protestant Christianity. While Americans tried to justify imperial control in the name of such values, social, economic, and political forces were drawing them rapidly into the imperial race. The growth of industrial networks linked them to international markets as never before, whether they were Arkansas share-croppers dependent on world cotton prices or Pittsburgh steelworkers whose...