American History


Professor xxxx
14 February 2016

Dear Professor Anderson,
I have chosen to write about the similarities between Christianity and Buddhism. I found it interesting because they are one of the oldest religions in the world.   The works I chose for these topics are “The Jataka Tales: The Hare’s self-sacrifice” and “The Christian Bible: Matthew 5. Because religion is one of the most discussed topic in the world, I believe my essay will have a strong thesis. My strengths will be the amount of information available to support my essay. My weakness will be deciding the appropriate amount of information to be used in this essay and the area with the most trouble would be the content inside the paragraph. I would like to have feedback on my paragraphs and content.
Professor xxxx
14 February 2016

The Sacred Bond between Christianity and Buddhism
Religion is the oldest form of spiritual guidance found within humanities culture. It is what defines us as intellectual species. Since the dawn of time, humanity created different types of religion that will satisfy their lives for the better. These religions have similar characteristics such as the aspects of charity, love, and compassion in both religions and I will be looking at the individual self and how christians see resurrection where the buddhists feel about the afterlife. One thing to keep in mind is that the two religions are very different but they seem to have a very similar pattern. Both religions have their own believes of a deity that became their religious saviour, as well as having the belief that with every good deed done there will be its reward in comparison. This is more of a generalization between the two religions.
Christianity is one of the oldest religion that was transferred from the old to new world. Its subcategories differs the practice of the religion, however the main purpose is the same. It is defined as
“Christianity is the name given to...