Amazon Evolution Xbis219

Amazon is the largest web based business currently out on the market. They got there stardom from retail sales of books and even movies. Amazon since then has moved on to internet services. One of these services is the Simple Storage Service or (S3). S3 uses servers and hard drive space to store company information as well as raw data for 15 cents per gigabyte. This is a good deal for small companies who don’t want to set up home based networks. Companies also use this service to back up company data for clients as well as themselves.
Another service is the Elastic Compute Cloud also known as (EC2). This service is all about computing. This service helps companies compute information on a larger scale then there computers. Companies use this service mostly with the aid of storing data either at the Simple Storage Service or their own storage facility. The average cost is 10 cents per hour for the use of one basic server. This is considerably cheaper than buying and servicing your own server. This makes it really easy for the company that is using the service to use it when they need it. Making it very convenient for any company to use when needed.
The third service of Amazons new endeavor is the Mechanical Turk. This service uses live people which have been named as “Turkers”. This service uses “Turkers” to look at information and files to make sure there are no legal issues or viruses. This service makes it great for filtering out cookies or worm viruses that can gather information and show it to people outside of the network. This is one of the leading causes of identity theft in the nation. It also makes sure the content such as videos or multimedia applications are of a legal nature and not threatening to anyone or anything.
These new services are good and bad to Amazon. The storage service has a problem of viruses and like every system the possibility of a crash is always high. The relationship between each of these services is needed. You need S3 to...