Altruism in Society

Domestic Violence
PSY/400 Social Psychology

Domestic Violence is one of the leading causes of deaths in women each year.   While the death rate is staggering, the social, and financial effects are just as disturbing.   However, by working to involve families in activities, which create cohesion amidst   family units, such as Fun Family Dinners, may prevent some cases.   Although prevention is not always an option for families, intervention can help.   Help-lines and counselors provide women the necessary tools to improve an unhealthy situation.
Nature and History of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence, defined as any mode of abuse, force, duress, restraint, threat, or menace committed by a current or past significant other; with the intention of controlling, and harming the physical and emotional well-being of an individual. Such violence occurs under unequal circumstances, disabling the victims privilege.
Domestic violence displays abnormal behavior patterns. Within relationships, domestic violence is experienced when one partner exudes force against the other   to intimidate, manipulate, and create fear. The purpose for manipulation, and intimidation is to seize power of the other partner, and perhaps to attain situational control. The fear ensures the loss of self-esteem, and courage to flee.
Victims span from women, men, children. However; the largest group of victims are women. Historically domestic violence against women was tolerated, and in some areas promoted. For example Ancient Roman laws allowed husbands to divorce, physically punish, or even kill wives for behaviors permitted to men. Such punishment was considered behavioral correction. Under medieval English common law, a husband could not be prosecuted for raping his wife because a wife could not refuse sexual consent to her husband. Because much of the U.S. Law was modeled on these common laws, the U.S. rape definition...