Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

Background and early career influences – Olympia’s – She was proud, intelligent and ambitious. Plutarch describes her as “A women of jealousy and vindictive temper who incited Alexander to oppose his father’   Olympia’s was obsessed with her son and his eventual success of becoming The King of Macedonia. Her influence was considerable. She spoilt him and boosted his confidence.

Phillip – King of Macedonia, had recently rebuilt the Macedonian state and promoted it to a leading position within the Balkan peninsula, both politically and militarily. Alexander represented Phillips hopes to extend and develop that power.

Leonidus ( First Tutor) – Served discipline and taught him how to be physically fit, through a Spartan upbringing. Through Leonidus he gained the power of endurance, fighting skills and he learnt to be frugal.

Lysichmachus (Second Tutor) – Furthered Alexanders education by teaching him creative arts. Some of these included, music, literacy skills, swordsmanship, javelin and archery. Peter Green asserts that Alexander loved all of these things all of his life.

Aristotle (Final Tutor) – Taught Alexander from the ages of 13 – 16, He encouraged Alexander to seek glory at the expense of the barbarian (ethno centric attitude) He also taught Alexander to despise the Persians. Green argues the Alexander valued self control, he gave away booty and he ate sparingly. He taught him to hero worship the Greeks. Aristotles philosophy dealt with experiment and observation. As they were the only proper basis for scientific advancement.

Alexander absorbed his curiosity and began to study the following subjects – zoology, botany, surveying, medicine and biology.

The Persian Wars.
Themistocles and the Persian Wars – He was an Athenian statesman and general. He strove for greatness in action and longed to distinguish himself from others both politically and militarily. When Xerxes invaded Greece (480 BC) the Athenians were sent...