Aging and Adulthood Paper

Aging and adulthood Paper
May 28, 2014
Savita Carothers M.A., LMFT

    Eric Erickson, psychologist, defines the late adulthood stage—ages 55 or 65 to death, basically as adults assessing what their lives have cultivated throughout its development. Erickson’s theory of the final stage of development sequence is “integrity versus despair” (Berger, 2008). According to Berger, Erickson proposes in this eighth stage that the two opposing forces reference:
Physical and Cognitive Development
    Stereotypically, older people in late adulthood are viewed to be conservative, too rigid and incapable of sex, tired uninteresting, and at various points, senile (Berger, 2008).   There is a close relationship between a strong, vital mind and physiological fitness.   Keeping physically fit improves emotional health, while an active and curious mind encourages activities that promote physical health. Mental fitness is as indispensable to well being as physical conditioning. Aging is associated with a reduction in physical fitness with loss of muscular force and endurance, along with slowing of mental functioning. Physical activity has been demonstrated to provide substantial health benefits and to maintain functional independence and improve quality of life in older adults.
Health and Biological factors
“As people age, their bodies become less efficient at digesting food and using nutrients” (Berger, 2010, p. 505). It is essential to have a healthy lifestyle including fewer calories and adequate nourishment as one continues to age. Besides healthy diet, be aware of whatever medication one is taking or need to take because of contraindication can alter wellbeing. Avoid addictive drugs and obtain adequate nutrition with daily exercise. Routine and moderate exercise also enhances wellness and can incorporate weight lifting if possible because it can be beneficial factor. Nurture this habits despite late in life can improve wellness. Although, sometimes...