Adr Clause

ADR Clause for Learning Team
May 31, 2010
Erikka Hise

ADR Clause for Learning Team Charter
      The learning team charter has all the information of each team member including his or her strengths and weaknesses. The team charter is a contract between team members which includes ground rules and guidelines for each member to follow. Team members should review the charter to ensure team awareness of the necessary requirements the team should adhere to. However, there may be times when issues may arise that need outside guidance to make sure the team is well organized and maintained.
      In the event that any team member does not uphold his or her responsibilities to the team; other team members may bring complaints to the facilitator. Because the team is in the OLS, a non judicial process will be used. To ensure minimal disruptions in the learning team an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) will be used. An ADR is a less costly method used when contracts are broken. Arbitration is the most common method of ADR used in finding solutions for labor disputes, and contract disagreements. However, for the learning team, the mediation method will be used. According to Cheeseman (2010, p. 45, para. 5), mediation is a form of negotiation where a neutral third party hears both sides of the dispute and assists in finding a solution.   A pre-set time will be allocated for the initial meetings between the agreed upon mediator and both parties.   In the event of a dispute, both parties should use reasonable efforts to resolve the issue.   If team members cannot find a workable solution for the dispute; the mediator will act as go between until a solution is found.
      In conclusion, finding a resolution involves willing parties who have the ability to speak openly. Once the dispute is heard and a resolution is reached, additional reviews will be made of the learning team to determine that team members are performing in compliance to the team charter. To...