
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, also know as ADHD, is a common chronic neurobehavioral developmental disorder that many people suffer from.   In fact, with over 16% of the childhood population being afflicted with it as of 2001, ADHD is the most widespread chronic adolescent disorder. In the United States, more than 6,750,000 people have ADHD, with over half being children. It continues to become more prevalent yearly with an increasing percentage of the general population.
The onset of ADHD is not completely known; although it can be inherited genetically and is most likely because of differences from those of common brain function. The causes of ADHD symptoms may be generalized into the categories of physical, social, emotional, and environmental factors. It is often diagnosed by common recurring symptoms of the disorder before and after the age of seven, which includes, but are not limited to; careless mistakes, difficulty sustaining attention, not listening when spoken to directly, does not follow instructions, has difficulty organizing, avoids tasks that require sustained mental effort, often loses things, being easily distracted, and is forgetful in daily activities. ADHD can also be separated into type subsections based on symptoms. There is inattentive, classic, over-focused, anxious, and depressional ADHD.
Although ADHD is a brain disorder, it mostly affects only certain things in the brain. These include the frontal cortices, the anterior temporal lobes, the posterior temporal lobes, the inferior perietal cortices, and brain chemicals.
Some unconventional treatments for ADHD include herbs, dietary supplements, exercise, yoga, acupuncture, and therapy. ADHD medications normally fall under non-stimulants and stimulants, with the latter being preferred. ADHD is a mild disorder that can most often be managed with medications and dissipates as time goes on.   Therefore, although ADHD is common...