
In actuality, alliances seem to be quite an effective tool to overcome a company’s weakness. At the same time, it is hardly possible to estimate that this is the most or the only effective tool to overcome the weakness of a company. On the other hand, it is also necessary to remember that, potentially, alliances may cause serious problems or, at least, may have substantial drawbacks. In this respect, it should be said that often alliances imply the integration of two or more companies into a single body that is supposed to work more effectively than each company taken separately.
However, it is obvious that, in the result of such unification, each member of the alliance should give something in to its partners. For instance, it is not a secret that often the formation of alliances lead to the redundancy but it is quite probable that in the result of such redundancy potentially perspective or gifted employees will be lost for the new company. Furthermore, the creation of an alliance implies the reorganization that, as a rule, weaken the position of a company in the market, while time may be crucial for the company success, especially if this company operates in the sphere of innovative technologies. This is why, regardless nominal enforcement of a company in the result of an alliance, the latter has potential threats that can weaken the company even more.
On analyzing the statement “successful business strategy is a mixture of luck and judgment, opportunism and design”, it is possible to think about the Chaos theory which actually implies that there are no universal, permanent, and unchangeable rules and it is practically impossible to fully predict the functioning of a system or organization. This is why it should be said that the Chaos theory admits the opportunity to the intrusion of some unpredictable factors that cannot be forecasted beforehand. Consequently, the supporters of this theory stand on the ground that the successful management should based not...