Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was born February 12th, 1809 to Nancy Hawkins and Thomas Lincoln. Lincoln’s hometown was Hardin County, Kentucky. Throughout his young life he helped his dad build log cabins every time they moved.   A disease from the cow’s milk killed both his mother and two cousins. Abe was only a six year old boy when he and his sister Sarah were left without a mom.   Soon after the death, his father came back two months later with a new wife named, Sarah Bush Lincoln. She had three children who loved and treated everyone equally.
As a young adult he had a lot of work on his hands. He had to help out on farms, make fences, and cut down fire wood. But in all of this he managed a year of school. Although he had much work, he liked poltics. He ran one year and lost. He was determined to run again the following year. He won the next election. In 1836 Abe proposed to Mary Owens and she let him down.
On September 9th, 1836 Lincoln became a lawyer. He packed his stuff and went to Illinois. In Illinois he married Mary Todd on November 4th, 1842. Only a year later after their marriage, Robert Todd Lincoln was born. This would be their first son. Later 1846 their second son, Edward was born. In Abe’s later years he became the sixteenth president of the United States. He helped free slaves. Lincoln can now be found on the five dollar bill and the penny. He is famous for “The Gettysburg Address.”