About Francesca’S Language

About Francesca’s language
As one of the most influential poets during the renaissance, Dante spread a new philosophic think of afterlife via a powerful and unconstrained style of language. In his book Divine Comedy, he takes great advantage of his language to describe his unique visual imagination. When he protrays his conversation with Francesca, he uses Francesca’s language as a tool to depict her multiple characters which causes her sinful life.
Francesca expresses a fully passion toward love and regards that she is worthy be loved by her soul mate Paolo. In her knowledge, love means to meet the right person who can “kindle” in her “gentle heart” and “the beauty of her body”, she thinks that love should be mutual and it “excuse no one loved from loving. Therefore she regards love as what she can be excuse from her sin. In addition, when Francesca describes her unforgettable time that is spent with Paoplo, she is seductive in her choice of words. “flushed and paled”, “longed-for lips”, “flowing tears”and “yielded”, all those words shows that instead of confessing her sin, she prefers to recalling the old time. In her seductive words, a great passion about the “past happiness” appears all the time. Without any regretion, she lives in her own memory.
  From this aspect of Francesca’s character, Dante shows his sympathy toward her, Dante says that “her suffer brings painful tears of pity to his eyes” . however from other aspect, it also become a reason that leads her tragic ending.
  Francesca never face her sin from the beginning of the conversation to the end of it. When she talks to Dante, she never regards herself as a sinner. She says when she stays with her soul mate Paolo, and they are “innocent of suspicion”. And she says “their eyes were brought together by the book” which means that she separate herself with the sin, she thinks that book provide her the situation and leads her to commit the mistake, because the book the they read talks about “how...