Aat Unit 10 Managing Systems and People in the Accounting Environment

Unit 10 – Managing systems and people in
the accounting environment

Unit commentary
This unit is about your role as a manager in the accounting environment, whether you are a line manager or are managing a particular function or project.

The first element requires you to show that you co-ordinate work activities effectively within the accounting environment. This includes setting realistic objectives, targets and deadlines and managing people in such a way that these can be met. You also need to show that you prepare contingency plans to cover a variety of problems that can reduce the likelihood of meeting objectives, targets and deadlines.

The second element is about identifying weaknesses in an accounting system and making recommendations to rectify these. This involves identifying potential for misuse of a system, whether this is accidental (errors) or deliberate (fraud). You are also required to update the system, for example to comply with legislative requirements, and to check that the output is correct after the system has been updated.

Elements contained within this unit
Element 10.1 – Manage people within the accounting environment.
Element 10.2 – Identify opportunities for improving the effectiveness of an accounting system.

Knowledge and understanding
To perform this unit effectively you will need to know and understand the following areas.

1. The business environment
• The range of external regulations affecting accounting practice (Element 10.2).
• Common types of fraud (Element 10.2).
• The implications of fraud (Element 10.2).

2. Management techniques
• Methods for scheduling and planning work (Element 10.1).
• Techniques for managing your own time effectively (Element 10.1).
• Methods of measuring cost-effectiveness (Element 10.2).
• Methods of detecting fraud within accounting systems (Element 10.2).
• Techniques for influencing and negotiating with decision-makers and controllers of resources (Element...