Aat Level 4

ISYS Report Plan


Email address.........................................................................................................

Phone number.........................................................................................................

Description of organisation

Briefly describe what the organisation does and what department you will be reviewing.

What financial statements does your organisation produce and why?

What software do they use? Are there better alternatives?


  * Comment on the weaknesses of the current system and the implications of those weaknesses – you can include problems from above

  * Ensure that you clearly demonstrate the impact on the accounting system,
(Profit & Loss or Balance Sheet)
  * Are the systems and processes you are looking at:
      * Cost-effective.
      * How do the stack up for speed
      * Are they reliable

Weakness (describe the fact)  

Implication (errors, potential fraud, waste of time (hrs?, etc.)


Area of risk, Likelihood, Impact, Current controls in place, Net likely impact,   Action
e.g. claim personal items on expenses high, lower profit, incorrect tax calculations
None – expenses paid without checking, Requires controls

Are there any breaches of any of the ethical principles?

Describe a recommendationfor each weakness – who should do what, how often, etc.

Note what costs are involved in the implementation and continued running of your recommendations
e.g. training £x, recruiting £x, designing new forms, communicating new procedures, time x wage rate £x

Note the monetary benefits (reduced errors £x, saved time x, wage rate £x savings etc)and non-monetary benefits of each (including compliancewith regulations if relevant

Support for staff
How will the...