A Higher Education

Essay 3

A Higher Education

Not many decades ago it was a rarity to attend college. Many people didn’t finish high school; let alone go on to achieve a higher education.   Even up until recently if you got a Bachelor’s degree you were set. But today this is not the case. Society has created a stigma that a college degree is necessary for success. Because of this idea college applicants and tuitions have increased and a bachelor’s degree will soon be the equivalent of a high school diploma. Because of the economy and peoples’ desires for high socioeconomic standing colleges are losing their founding importance of a higher education. The road to college has become so competitive and expensive; some people are going to extreme lengths to get in, and others don’t feel they have a chance and are just giving up. There needs to be a change in the higher education system or it will continue to spiral out of control.

It is a dog eat dog world we live in; and everyone is fighting for a piece of paper acknowledging his or her right to success. Although everyone is created equal, this fight in unfair. In this world everything comes down to money; and unfortunately you have to have it to get it.   College is extremely expensive and some people cannot afford it. According to a survey in USA Today, 67% of people qualified for college do not have the opportunity to attend. This is because they cannot afford it. People with low incomes either cannot afford college and don’t attend-meaning they don’t get a well paying job; or they get tons of loans to go and graduate with a load of debt. This is especially detrimental in today’s economy because it is so tough to find a good job.   A class system has been clearly defined and has become rigid. If you are in poor socioeconomic standing you are stuck there. People in high socioeconomic standing can afford to go to college and in turn are able to get well paying jobs. According to Gerald Bracey, “the acquisition of a...