A Deeper Look

Analyzing the Work of a Great Author: Truman Capote

Truman Capote was an American author whose stories, plays, non-fiction, and movies are known classics. Stories like Breakfast at Tiffany’s and In Cold Blood are some of his pioneering works. In spite of neglect from his parents, feelings of abandonment, taunts by other children, and molestation at a young age, Capote has inspired many by his desire to achieve greatness. Truman Capote could be considered an extrovert personality; he was always energized by the people around him and a constant longing to tell his stories.
Perhaps if we look deeper into Capote’s history, we can get a perspective of why he fits in the extrovert personality so well. But first we must analyze personality and how people perceive personality. If you have ever heard the phrase he has a charming personality; warm and bubbly, or the personality of a goat; ill-tempered and moody, it stands to reason that people associate personality with appearance and demeanor. Personality by definition is “characteristics making somebody appealing: the distinctive or very noticeable characteristics that make somebody socially appealing” (Bing Dictionary, n.d.). A distinguishing feature that separates us from one another or our characteristics can also be broken down into categories; extrovert is one personality characteristic that conveys Capote’s being.
For instance, Capote’s behavior throughout his life indicates extrovert traits such as: “very enthusiastic -- even overenthusiastic at times -- and are always a game for any kind of social gathering” ("Extraversion Traits", 2000-2012). A person who was once an outcast as a youth was now a member of high society groups. He was “fascinated by the rich and social elite” (A&E Television Networks, 1996-2013, pp. 3, para. 6) and despite the numerous problems in his ladder years, Capote was responsible for putting together one of the grandest events in the 20th century with memorable moments. What made...