A Critical Analysis of a Set of Relevant Professional Standards, Procedure and Legislation Relating to Role in the Workplace.

The creation, implementation and evaluation of a learning plan (IEP or ILP) to meet the needs of a learner
The individual education plan is a specific plan addressing specific goals and behavioural targets for the special educational needs child. This essay will discuss the identification of a learner with specific needs and the creation of a learning plan created for them. It will go on to reflect upon and critically evaluate the outcomes of the implementation of the IEP and make reference to relevant theories and theorists throughout. It will specifically focus on memory theorists Ebbinghaus, Murdock and Peterson and their particular relevance will become clearer throughout the course of the essay. Learning theorists such as Piaget and Vygotsky will also be mentioned aswel as motivational theorist Cattell.   Social intelligence will be discussed and how it becomes clear throughout the IEP that nature and nurture both play vitally important roles when underpinning the development of the child. The constant battle with frustration from the child, causing a neglectful attitude to learning and creating a barrier between the Learning Supporting Worker (LSW) and the child will also be touched upon. It comes apparent early in the essay that the IEP could have had much an array of targets for this particular child, however as the child has no particular special educational need, the main focus of the IEP was building on the confidence of the child in the hope that this would encourage them in all other areas of the curriculum. The original IEP plan put in place for the child, was based on numeracy skills, which is the area where the least progress has being made from the child. However as it was important that all targets would be achieved in the IEP it was decided that the IEP would be based on confidence building, as confidence is extremely important if a child is going to progress and succeed. The child will be referred to as Child A throughout the essay for the...