502 Level 5 Health and Social Care

Understanding Principles of professional development

1.1   explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice.
The importance of improving knowledge and practice is vital in the work place.Unlike studying for a qualification the goalposts in the work place keep moving. This maybe as a result of new technology, new safeguarding legislation, or it may simply be that a new manager / line manager has been appointed who has brought with them a different vision. All these changes have implications on staff and invariably on the young people I work with.

The Ofsted regulator is a good example of the importance of continually improving   my knowledge and practice as their role is to ensure that every young person in our care are receiving a first class quality of care which means I must keep abreast of changes and requirements that they implement in order to achieve this requirement.
My employability is important therefore I need to take charge of my own development to ensure I can produce the standard of work/care expected from me, there are opportunities available within the organisation such as training courses, access to eLearning, workshop days and forums, all of which enable me to keep up to date with areas of changes / improvements within my field of work which in turn provides me with information and experience which I can share with my colleagues and help me make professional and appropriate decisions as opposed to irrational decisions leading to risk taking.

1.2 Analyse potential barriers to professional development.