200 Word Summary on: Anchoring Effects in the Development of False Childhood Memories

Many studies have researched into false childhood memories and how they are created. Some suggest that talking to family members can trigger your memory, other believe that looking at photos would be better. We create true memories in the same way in which we create false memories according to the source-monitoring framework.
Anchoring suggests different theories on how false memories are created. It is expected that people who encounter a desription first should report more false memories that a person who sees a photo to start with. Garry and Wade experimented with false memories. Their hypothesis was that a description would better support a false memory beacuse it gave the mind room for imagination.
On the other hand, other research shows that consistency of details and pieces of evidence leads to predictions to an opposite pattern of results. If consistency was relied on to distinguish between real and false memories, the description given would stimulate the mind to imagine different scenarios and colors. When given the photo there would be a risk that there could be a clash in the details. These inconsitensies could lead to the rejection of the false memory for the people who were given the description first. Theoretically anchoring and consistency lead to different predictions about the order in which the false memory creation is influenced.
The experiment was conducted with family members, who knew that this false event had not been experienced. A two-group between-subjects design was used with the order of the information given (description or photo) first. Two booklets were created for each subject, one contained four photos and the other four descriptions of the same childhood event.
Results show that description-first stimulated more false memories which supports the anchoring hypothesis although, inconsistency was also reported which supported the consitency hypothsis. Despite the inconsistency people who saw the description first remembered...