2.1 Child and Young Person Development

There are a number of influences that affect the growth and development of children and young people and these factors may affect some children more than others. The impact can be positive as well as negative. For example, the opposite of poverty is wealth and a child growing up in a home with no financial worries may be well fed and clothed and have lots of opportunities for educational development. However, these advantages can lose their impact if the child does not have a loving and supportive family.

Influences that can affect childs development are background, health and environment.

Every child or young person is unique and this is also true of their families. Families and the morals and values by which they live influence a child or young person who will be subject to these from the day they become part of the family. Cultural values and beliefs will affect how a child or young person interacts with others and the way they fulfil their physical needs. The attitudes of the child or young person’s family will affect their attitudes to others which will have an impact on their social, emotional and behavioural development. If a family does not have the knowledge, skills or opportunity to promote physical activities this will have an impact on the child or young person’s physical development. If a family does not have the knowledge, skills or opportunity to encourage and extend challenging and stimulating activities this may have an impact on the child or young person’s communication and intellectual development. Development is linked to stimulation and opportunity and the role of a child or young person’s background and family is vital to providing this stimulation and these opportunities

The health of a child or young person has a direct impact on the opportunities they have to practice their developing skills and experience new opportunities and challenges to promote their development. A child or young person with poor...