2.0 Select and Critically Analyse the Impact of 2 Principles or Theories in the Planning and Delivering Teaching in Your Own Setting.

2.0 select and critically analyse the impact of 2 principles or theories in the planning and delivering teaching in your own setting.

The use of the two educational theorists Robert Gagne and George A Miller can both be extremely useful when planning and delivering Physical Education and Strength and Conditioning classes. When planning and delivering the sessions I teach I use a mixture of these two methods. Firstly using Gagne’s 9 steps of learning methods I begin the lesson by presenting the days subject which enables me to gain the learners attention. This can be done in a number of ways. The simplest way I use is to explain the sport or exercise the learners will be learning today. I then encourage the learners to interact by asking myself any questions and then presenting any thoughts they have to the class. The point of this step is to ground the lesson into the learners reality and have them involved from the beginning. When teaching younger learners 14 years and above I always start at the very beginning; demonstrating how to correctly put on sports socks and footwear in order to avoid blisters. Also reminding learners to always wear the correct size and appropriate footwear.
Proceeding to Gagne’s 2nd step, I then describe the goal of today’s lesson, this gets the learners involved in their own learning by providing them with the objectives for what they’ll be learning; thus enabling the learners to judge if they are actually learning what is being taught during the lesson. For example; last Monday I taught the college rugby team how to correctly power clean the Olympic bar. At the start of the lesson I announced “today you will all learn how to correctly power clean, using the Olympic bar”, “this move will increase your all-round strength and explosive power especially when scrummaging and tackling”.
Using Gagne’s 3rd step I proceed to stimulate recall any prior knowledge and or experience they have of either using the Olympic bar and Olympic lifting...