140hrm Coursework 1- Work Design

In this assignment I will be drawing upon this semester’s module and covering 2 roles work roles, in this task I will be detailing the type of each role highlighting the differences. The two roles that I have selected are Bookstore manager and Primary school teacher. The main body of this essay will be discussing how these effects the roles on employees control over their own work. Ultimately I will be showing importance of each roles motivator and concluding the sum of this report.
“Work design is the application of Socio-Technical systems principles and techniques to the humanization of work. [1]” The aim of work design is to aid the employee to find justification and satisfaction to input and increase their participation within a business ultimately to increase quality control but also to reduce employee problems. A primary school teacher could be directly related to the Human Resource type of design whereby physiological and emotional factors have a significant part in the work place. This field also provides more intrinsic rewards types whereby the individuals receive rewards from themselves in the form of satisfaction, competence and accomplishment. Whereas for a bookstore manager is more money/salary based falling more into scientific management aspect of work design. A primary school teacher’s environment in the workplace demands an initiative and incentive response system, due to the ever changing system where there are new batches if pupils; unlike the primary school teacher a bookstore manager has a relatively boring and clear cut role of following a routine however does have room for change due to the fact that mangers are able to act as intermediaries between the store and the head company. Monetary gain could linked to be the sole incentive for a bookstore manager further reinforcing the argument that it scientific management; this would also mainly be in the form of Extrinsic rewards employees which can be linked to the Taylor argument that value...