1. Understand the Application of Theories, Principles and Models of Learning in Education and Training 1.1 Analyse Theories, Principles and Models of Learning

1.1 Analyse theories, principles and models of learning
A – Analyse theories, principles and models of learning and models of learning preferences Wilson, L (2014) has shown that there are three main schools of theory:

The Behaviourist School
The Cognitivist School
The Humanist School
The Table below shows the schools, their theories and key individual theorists

Individuals respond to stimuli, things seen and done around them. Repetitively being shown a subject in order to learn about it Pavlov (1849 – 1936) stimulus – response theory used on animals, a bell was rang before eat feed, the animals salivated, showing a recognition. The issue with this is problem solving – how could a behaviourist think logically, when they follow responses. Open to stereotyping

Learning is acquiring knowledge through thought, senses, and experience. Individuals follow mental processes – they think, remember and process information. J Bruner (b.1915) – To instruct someone… is not a matter of getting him to commit results to mind. Rather, it is to teach him to participate in the process that makes possible the establishment of knowledge. We teach a subject not to produce little living libraries on that subject, but rather to get a student to think mathematically for himself, to consider matters as an historian does, to take part in the process of knowledge-getting. Knowing is a process not a product. (1966: 72) – The Process of Education: Towards a theory of instruction (1966) The issues here could be that some learners may not have the knowledge to start with. Is this to say they should not be given the opportunity to learn?

Individuals should search for meanings in order to develop. Development is in stages , cited by Abraham Maslow ( hierarchy of needs) A Maslow (1908 – 1970) – Individuals needs to have basic needs met before they can move onto the next stages of learning, This theory may come into problems if the learner has...