1.1 Explain the Legal Status and Principles of the Relevant Early Years Framework/S and How National and Local Guidance Materials.

1.1 explain the legal status and principles of the relevant early years framework/s and how national and local guidance materials.
The early year’s framework (EYFS) is a statutory curriculum that is in place in England and has been so since 2008. The framework, which has since been modified, known as the revised EYFS since September 2012 covers the required elements of learning that a child should experience outside their homes from the age of 0-5. All childcare providers are required to adhere to this and the level in which welfare and other requirement are monitored by the professional body known as ofsted. The EYFS has 3 prime areas of learning
• personal, social and emotional development
• physical development
• communication and language
The prime areas of learning are the initial characteristics a child should be meeting with the age range of 0-5 years old.
There are four then known as specific areas of learning which then once prime learning areas are mastered can be further developed these are
• literacy
• mathematics
• understanding the world
• Expressive arts and design.
The way in which each of the areas are accomplished can be done through the 3 different characteristics of learning
• playing and exploring
• active learning
• Creating and critical thinking.
By the end of the reception year group all children are expected to have reached all of the targets set out within the EYFS framework and are assessed with the use of the foundation phase. Towards the end of the EYFS, school and child care providers are now required to promote school readiness by which the child is prepared for the change that will be the transition from EYFS to the national curriculum.
The EYFS was initially set up to help young children achieve the five outcomes
1 staying safe
2 being healthy
3 making a positive contribution
4 achieving and wellbeing
5 Enjoy and achieving.
There are four over arching principles of the EYFS that should shape practice in...