035 Manage Health and Social Care

Manage induction in health and social care

Explain why induction is important for practitioners, individuals and organisations.

Induction is the process for introducing a new employee to their work environment. It extends from the moment the prospective employee reads the advertisement for the position and fuses with their training and development as a part of the organisation.

Why do we need an induction procedure?

A proper induction will give both the employees and the organisation the following benefits:

  1) It improves the motivation of new employees
  2) It assimilate the workplace culture, as well as their knowledge of the products/services provided by the organisation and the systems in place. This in turn boosts confidence and improves work quality and productivity, as well as helping to reduce incidences of early leaving, which can be extremely costly to the organisation.

  As induction involves other staff other than the inductee, the process can also be useful in developing the skills of existing staff.

  Below are several other reasons why induction is so important:

  1) Human resource information, this is essential for staff to understand their terms and conditions of employment.
  2) All staff need to read the company policies.
  3) The risk assessments must be covered in induction, to ensure staff are not put in a situation that could be risky or cause harm.
  4) Standards expected; these must be covered so the level of service is not compromised. Agreed ways of working must be explained.
  5) Company ethos; It is essential that new staff understand the company ethos, philosophy and values.
  6) Health and safety; to ensure all staff, service users and others are not put at risk so valuable information needs to be given before the staff member commences employment.
Identify information and support materials that are available to promote effective induction.

“Effective and consistent...