0-19yrs Development Chart

Development Charts

Physical Communication Intellectual and Cognitive Social, Emotional,   behavioural Moral
Birth to 3 years
Sleeps a lot and grows fast
Learns to crawl, walk, run, jumps and throw and young children need lots of opportunity to play and exercise.

3 to 7 years
At this stage, children are able to carry out more co-ordinate movements and growing in confidence as a result. They have more control over fine motor skills such as cutting, writing and drawing. They are also more confident in activities, such as running, hopping, kicking a ball and using larger equipment.

7 to 14 years
Children continue to grow, develop and refine many of their skills through these years. They may start to have hobbies and interests, such as sport or dance, which means that they are more practiced in some areas. They may also be able to make very controlled fine movements, such as those required for playing an instrument, sewing or drawing. Girls in particular, start to show some early signs of puberty from the age of 10 or 11. In boys puberty usually starts later, when there will be another period of rapid physical growth.

14 to 19 years
Growth is slowing down and puberty is coming to an end. At this age children become very concerned with appearance, body, and sexual attractiveness.
Birth to 3 years
Starting to make themselves understood then understands many words, simple phrases and directions

3 to 7 years
As children become more social and have wider experiences they start to use an increasing number of familiar phrases and expressions. They also ask a lot of questions and are able to talk about things in the past and future with greater confidence.

7 to 14 years
By this stage, most children are fluent speakers of language and are developing and refining their skills at reading and writing. Their language skills enable them to think about and discuss their ideas and learning in more abstract terms.

14 to 19 years
At this age children...